**There is limited availablity at Rushcliffe Montessori**
Welcome to the Montessori Nursery at Stragglethorpe. We are extremely proud of the high-quality daycare we offer and are confident that you will be delighted with the level of service provided by our Rushcliffe Montessori team.
Our qualified Montessori and Forest school teachers are skilled at acquiring the very best understanding of your child and in maximising opportunities for learning. Whether inside our bespoke classroom spaces or outdoors in our specifically designed garden areas. Every day presents exciting and unique experiences inspired by the Maria Montessori’s ethos of ‘following the child’. We are blessed to sit within almost two acres of grounds, including a one-acre natural woodland, where our children can run, explore and play in arguably the very best learning environment, the great outdoors.
All staff are qualified in specialist early years and / or Montessori teaching. In addition, we have established programmes of learning, having acquired accreditation in various programmes from speech and language support to oral health.
Our unique blend of Montessori inspired learning, combined with elements of Forest Schools, Reggio Emilia and Steiner, afford children a broad range of pedagogies to maximise their learning opportunities. Read our Ofsted report here
There is a large parking area for parents or a ‘pocket Park and Ride’, with regular buses going to West Bridgford and Nottingham.
To learn more about Rushcliffe Montessori provision, please visit our dedicated website.
Find our setting on Facebook here.
Register your child with Rushcliffe Montessori at Stragglethorpe
Please contact the setting:
Telephone: 0115 933 1933 (office hrs)
Email: admin@rushcliffe-montessori..co.uk
Interested in a career at Wolds Childcare?
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